Executive Functioning Skills

Executive Functioning Skills: Fluid intelligence, powered by frontal lobe; it is an umbrella term for managing oneself and one’s resources.

  1. Shift - The ability to move freely from one situation to another- flexibility.

  2. Emotional Control - The ability to self-regulate rationally.

  3. Initiation - The ability to begin a task or activity independently.

  4. Planning/Organizing - The ability to manage current and future task demands.

  5. Inhibition - The ability to stop one’s own behavior at the appropriate time.

    The flip side is impulsivity.

  6. Working Memory - The ability to hold information for purpose of completing a task.

  7. Organization of Materials - The ability to impose order on work play, or storage spaces.

  8. Self-Monitoring - The ability to monitor one’s own performance and to measure against a standard.


Cognitive Skills Training

A cognitive assessment is required to participate in the BrainMatterZ program.  

The effectiveness of your brain can be measured through a cognitive assessment that can serve as a baseline for brain fitness.  With this baseline, individual cognitive skills can be strengthened and learning can become an effortless task. A cognitive skills test also provides information regarding how your child's brain processes in specific areas and what study techniques would serve him/her best based on his/her unique brain.  A cognitive assessment such as a WISC-V or a Woodcock Johnson cognitive assessment provides information on a variety of cognitive skills such as:

  • Visual Processing

  • Auditory Processing

  • Working Memory

  • Pattern Recognition

  • Spacial Awareness

  • Attention

  • Problem Solving

  • Fluency

  • Verbal Skills



Concussions remain one of the most common injuries among athletes. The majority of students that sustain a head injury have symptoms that last only a short period of time.  However, a number of athletes may have persistent symptoms that can interfere with academics, day to day productivity, and relationships.

Common cognitive symptoms after a concussion may include:

  • memory problems

  • poor concentration

  • decreased attention

  • brain fog

  • difficulty with word retrieval

  • difficulty with processing speed

BrainMatterZ helps to intervene and strengthen the mind after a brain injury in the same way physical rehabilitation is used to strengthen the body after a physical injury.  The goal is to improve performance in cognitive tasks.  If you or your child are experiencing ongoing difficulties following a head injury, give us a call and let us help.


Check out the Brain Labs locations here.

For more information:

Please call or email us to discuss how we can help your child, students and school.